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April 2022 Committee & Board of Directors Virtual Meetings

DELCORA Hosting Public Virtual Meetings
March 24, 2022

DELCORA’s Executive Director, Bob Willert, announced we will continue to host all monthly Committee and Board Meetings for 2022 via Zoom until further notice. 

During this unprecedented time the health and safety of our employees, our customers and the community is our number one priority.  We would like to maintain business operation as close to normal as possible, with the ability to host virtual meetings this allows us to do just that.

  1. Members of the public are invited to join each of the DELCORA Committee Meetings as well as the DELCORA Board of Directors Meeting.
  2. For each meeting there is a different access link. You will find that below under the appropriate meeting you wish to participate in.

The following meetings listed below will each be held utilizing Zoom Technology:


Human Resources & Administration Committee Meeting – April 11, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Human Resources & Admin. Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 849 9248 2876

Passcode: 182430

Meeting Agenda: April 2022

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.


Strategic Planning & Goals Committee Meeting – April 11, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Strategic Planning & Goals Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 849 9248 2876

Passcode: 182430

Meeting Agenda: April 2022

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.


Operations & Engineering Committee Meeting – April 12, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Operations & Engineering Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 826 8738 1565

Passcode: 642940

Meeting Agenda: April 2022

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.


Finance Committee Meeting – April 13, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Finance Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 812 6268 8865

Passcode: 415007

Meeting Agenda: April 2022

by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.


**DELCORA’s Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to be held on TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. Public participation through the link below:

Meeting ID: 884 9868 0894

Passcode: 715307

Meeting Agenda: April 2022



PUBLIC COMMENT/FORUM: Participants wishing to provide public comment will be able to do so by adhering to the following protocols:

When you join a Zoom meeting hosted by another user, you are considered an attendee. Beginning at 3:30 pm a public comment/forum will begin allowing anyone who wishes to speak publicly to be given 3 minutes. The public comment/forum time will only be at the beginning of each meeting.  If there is no one from the public requesting to speak to the Board, the meeting will continue as usual.

There are 3 methods available to participate via Public Comment:

  1. Zoom Chat/Phone – during the public meetings
  2. Email public comment/question
  3. Phone in public comment/question

If a public participant joins via the “zoom link” they can sign up by using the Zoom chat:

  1. In your controls at the bottom window, click Chat. If you are on a mobile device, tap Participants, then Chat.
  2. The chat window will open on the right side of your screen if you are not in full screen mode.
  3. Please type your First and Last Name, Address and Topic of Discussion into the chat window to sign up for Public Comment and press Enter to send your message.
  4. Public Comment will start promptly at 3:30 pm.
  5. Time duration will be kept by the host and monitored to ensure the 3 minute time limit is adhered to.
  6. Please be respectful of your time and others who may be awaiting their turn to speak as well.

If an individual chooses to join by phone and would like to participate in the public forum we ask for you to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. When asked if there is anyone wishing to speak from the public, please at that time state your First and Last Name, Address and whether you have a question or comment.
  2. The host will then call upon you again when it is your turn to speak.
  3. If a question is asked a member of the Board or Staff will answer you question.
  4. Again, public comment/forum will begin promptly at 3:30pm.

Public comments/questions may be submitted by email with the following information:

  • First & Last Name
  • Address
  • Comment/Questions

Emails can be sent immediately to:

If you do not have access to email you can call in your public comment to: 484-844-0482

Public meetings begin promptly at 3:30 pm.  All comments/questions sent in by Zoom chat/phone, email and phone will be read and addressed at the beginning of each meeting.  Once all public comments/questions have been addressed the meeting will continue as usual.

Emailed or phoned/in comments deemed inappropriate will not be read into public record.  Zoom chat/phone comments from an individual deemed inappropriate will force the host to remove that individual from the meeting and be removed from public record.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Will begin promptly at 3:30 pm with the designated chair for each committee requesting those in attendance to engage in the Pledge of Allegiance.  After, the meeting will commence as usual with the agenda for each given meeting.

DELCORA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Will begin promptly at 3:30 pm with the Chairman of the Board requesting those in attendance to engage in the Pledge of Allegiance.  After, the meeting will commence as usual with the final Board agenda based on Committee Meetings recommendations of business.

DELCORA Board of Directors is asking everyone to be patient as using remote technology is a new endeavor. The DELCORA Board encourages all residents to stay vigilant and follow the safety measures that have been provided by the Governor’s office, County Council and the State Health Departments.

March 2022 Committee & Board of Directors Virtual Meetings

DELCORA Hosting Public Virtual Meetings
March 1, 2022

DELCORA’s Executive Director, Bob Willert, announced we will continue to host all monthly Committee and Board Meetings for 2022 via Zoom until further notice. 

During this unprecedented time the health and safety of our employees, our customers and the community is our number one priority.  We would like to maintain business operation as close to normal as possible, with the ability to host virtual meetings this allows us to do just that.

  1. Members of the public are invited to join each of the DELCORA Committee Meetings as well as the DELCORA Board of Directors Meeting.
  2. For each meeting there is a different access link. You will find that below under the appropriate meeting you wish to participate in.

The following meetings listed below will each be held utilizing Zoom Technology:

Human Resources & Administration Committee Meeting – March 7, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Human Resources & Admin. Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 873 6015 5307

Passcode: 202454

Meeting Agenda: Click Here

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.

Strategic Planning & Goals Committee Meeting – March 7, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Strategic Planning & Goals Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 873 6015 5307

Passcode: 202454

Meeting Agenda: Click Here

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.

Operations & Engineering Committee Meeting – March 8, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Operations & Engineering Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 835 6636 8877

Passcode: 406239

Meeting Agenda: Click Here

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.

Finance Committee Meeting – March 9, 2022, 3:30PM

Members of the public are invited to join the Finance Committee Meeting by accessing the meeting through this link:

Meeting ID: 837 1389 1940

Passcode: 180344

Meeting Agenda: Click Here

People can also join by telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: +1 312 626 6799, +1 929 205 6099, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799, +1 669 900 6833.

**DELCORA’s Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. Public participation through the link below:

Meeting ID: 842 8446 3587

Passcode: 321502

Meeting Agenda: Click Here





PUBLIC COMMENT/FORUM: Participants wishing to provide public comment will be able to do so by adhering to the following protocols:

When you join a Zoom meeting hosted by another user, you are considered an attendee. Beginning at 3:30 pm a public comment/forum will begin allowing anyone who wishes to speak publicly to be given 3 minutes. The public comment/forum time will only be at the beginning of each meeting.  If there is no one from the public requesting to speak to the Board, the meeting will continue as usual.

There are 3 methods available to participate via Public Comment:

  1. Zoom Chat/Phone – during the public meetings
  2. Email public comment/question
  3. Phone in public comment/question

If a public participant joins via the “zoom link” they can sign up by using the Zoom chat:

  1. In your controls at the bottom window, click Chat. If you are on a mobile device, tap Participants, then Chat.
  2. The chat window will open on the right side of your screen if you are not in full screen mode.
  3. Please type your First and Last Name, Address and Topic of Discussion into the chat window to sign up for Public Comment and press Enter to send your message.
  4. Public Comment will start promptly at 3:30 pm.
  5. Time duration will be kept by the host and monitored to ensure the 3 minute time limit is adhered to.
  6. Please be respectful of your time and others who may be awaiting their turn to speak as well.

If an individual chooses to join by phone and would like to participate in the public forum we ask for you to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. When asked if there is anyone wishing to speak from the public, please at that time state your First and Last Name, Address and whether you have a question or comment.
  2. The host will then call upon you again when it is your turn to speak.
  3. If a question is asked a member of the Board or Staff will answer you question.
  4. Again, public comment/forum will begin promptly at 3:30pm.

Public comments/questions may be submitted by email with the following information:

  • First & Last Name
  • Address
  • Comment/Questions

Emails can be sent immediately to:

If you do not have access to email you can call in your public comment to: 484-844-0482

Public meetings begin promptly at 3:30 pm.  All comments/questions sent in by Zoom chat/phone, email and phone will be read and addressed at the beginning of each meeting.  Once all public comments/questions have been addressed the meeting will continue as usual.

Emailed or phoned/in comments deemed inappropriate will not be read into public record.  Zoom chat/phone comments from an individual deemed inappropriate will force the host to remove that individual from the meeting and be removed from public record.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Will begin promptly at 3:30 pm with the designated chair for each committee requesting those in attendance to engage in the Pledge of Allegiance.  After, the meeting will commence as usual with the agenda for each given meeting.

DELCORA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Will begin promptly at 3:30 pm with the Chairman of the Board requesting those in attendance to engage in the Pledge of Allegiance.  After, the meeting will commence as usual with the final Board agenda based on Committee Meetings recommendations of business.

DELCORA Board of Directors is asking everyone to be patient as using remote technology is a new endeavor. The DELCORA Board encourages all residents to stay vigilant and follow the safety measures that have been provided by the Governor’s office, County Council and the State Health Departments.


DELCORA Statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

DELCORA Statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
March 16, 2020


During this unprecedented time as the nation and world responds to the novel coronavirus (”COVID-19”), please be advised that the health and safety of DELCORA customers and employees continue to be our top priority. As this situation continues to both change and evolve so does DELCORA’s response to the situation in relation to our business, our customers and our employees. Customers should first be assured that DELCORA will continue to operate and effectively dispose of our customers wastewater as it has done for the past 40+ years.


DELCORA is committed to providing our customers with uninterrupted service and we are taking the following steps to help all our customers:


– DELCORA’s main office lobby located at 100 E. Fifth Street Chester, PA 19013 will be closed until further notice.
– Customers are encouraged to make payments using the following alternative methods:
          1. Online payments can continue to be made on the website by clicking here.
          2. Phone payments will continue to be accepted using 610-876-5523
          3. We have a “drop box” (no cash) available out front of our main office location at 100 E.
               Fifth Street Chester, PA 19013
          4. Payments will continue to be processed by mail using the following address: DELCORA,
               PO Box 999 Chester, PA 19016
– Customers are encouraged to contact DELCORA Customer Service with any issues at 610-876-5523 or by clicking here.


DELCORA will continue to closely monitor the ongoing situation and work with our partners on the local, state, and federal level to ensure minimal disruption to the DELCORA operation and continue to keep in mind the safety of our employees, customers and the community as a whole.
Any updates, as they arise, will be available on our website at . Thank you for your understanding and patience through this unprecedented time.